Life Is Art Gallery

Lifeisart Gallery, a space for emerging artists and good food. Founded by one of the organisators of To Be Antwerp, Alec Nierinck, Life Is Art Gallery has become an important meeting point for many of the To Be Antwerp meetings and brainstorms.



Mitya Proost

"I have this need to constantly manipulate and transform a material. I believe the more a material can undergo changes, the more it comes to life and visualizes a story. I search for a close confrontation with the material. The tactile aspect is as important as the visual."

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Lucia Femia

Lucia Femia is a versatile artist and thinker based in Antwerp,  with roots in both Peru and Italy. From a young age, her life has been a journey  around the world, accompanying her parents on their humanitarian projects.  Embracing a neo-nomadic lifestyle, she draws inspiration from this rich tapestry  of experiences and carries a deep commitment to reimagining societal norms.

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Malena Guerrieri

In her work, Malena Guerrieri is interested in the experience of space and time, and strives to create open, non-figurative, non-narrative forms that offer the viewer a ‘mysterious, dreamlike journey’.

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Robin Adriaens

"Als mij gevraagd wordt wat ik juist doe, zeg ik meestal gewoon kort: ‘ik maak rommel’. Het komische effect van de reactie en verwarring van velen zijn meer dan genoeg reden om dit zo te verkondigen. Maar gelukkig zit er toch net iets meer achter."

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