
The Holy Ghost Church is a parish church founded in 1909. As the second church to join the To Be route (after the St George church), it has already proved to be a unique and grand setting for the artists to exhibit in. 



Sam Thys

"‘It Never Goes As Planned’ is een conceptuele reeks over mijn ervaringen met de wereld nadat ik 4 jaar geleden de diagnose van ASS kreeg. Door gebruik van filters geef ik de kijker een beeld van hoe het er in mijn wereld aan toegaat. De filters zijn structuren en patronen die ik in de natuur ben tegengekomen."

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Sam Thys

Julia Tröscher

Julia Tröscher (1997, AT) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Antwerp. Her practice spans video, text, sculpture, and sound.

She likes to work in response to the sites in which she exhibits, creating installations, sometimes immersive, that coexist with the poetics of her writing.

Wout Van Lith

Wout van Lith is a Flemish/Dutch artist based in Antwerp. Working through questioning and hypothese traditional, cultural and ordinary approaches and creations. 

"I utilize recuperated materials in my artwork because they carry a sense of mystery, having had a previous life that often remains unknown. Additionally, there is an abundance of usable materials and objects surrounding
us that can be given a new life."

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