Delphine Spinnox

Delphine Spinnox

My artwork reflects an imaginary and mysterious world, filled with chaos and wonder.
Inspired by the deep sea and its creatures, I found solace in ceramics as I struggled to
translate my imagination digitally. Discovering the puzzling process of sculpting clay, I felt
inspired to create my own mysterious creatures, fueled by my fascination with imagined beings on our planet.

The unpredictability of clay sculptures fascinated me — the unknown end results, the
departure from a world obsessed with perfection and predictability. In a realm dominated by AI, where imagination is replaced by polished outputs, relinquishing control, and embracing
imperfection became liberating. Clay sculptures were a gateway to uncertainty, where shapes transformed in the kiln and glazes held delightful surprises. This process became an exciting exploration, allowing the monsters I created to take on their own life, subtly mutating along the way.

Delphine Spinnox

My artwork invites viewers to immerse themselves in a world that defies comprehension but brims with infinite possibilities. It is a tribute to the mysterious depths of the ocean and the captivating creatures that dwell within it.

on view at N. Vrouyr.

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